Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Snapshots: A Night at the Columbus Museum of Art

Friday, October 15
7 p.m. to Midnight

FREE Admission, Transportation, and Food!
Invite students, colleagues, and families.

Transportation Schedule:
7 p.m. at the Hale Center stop (South Campus), the Blackburn House stop (North Campus), and the Drake Performance Center stop (Lincoln/Morrill Tower). Buses will continuously loop from the museum back to campus throughout the evening.

Sponsored by the Residence Halls Advisory Council, OBSA, SABSA, BANCS,
the Office of International Education, the Council of Graduate Students, Faculty and TA Development, the Parents Association, Housing and Residence Education, Undergraduate Admissions and First Year Experience, and the Late Night Grant Initiative.

Check out the exhibits at www.columbusmuseum.org